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The Fund provides fixed annual coupon payments of 1.25% for a period of 2 years, payable annually, and also offers capital guarantee. The fund is denominated in EUR.
The Fund provides fixed annual coupon payments of 1.25% for a period of 2 years, payable annually, and also offers capital guarantee.
The fund is denominated in EUR.
2 years
Closed for subscription
Ancoria Insurance Public Ltd
1.25% per annum
21/10/2019, 21/10/2020
EUR 5,000
EUR 100,000
17/09/2018 - 19/10/2018 (at 1.00 p.m. Nicosia)
How to invest
Your policy number and the fund name
Policyholders who redeem prior to maturity may risk receiving less than initially invested (due to the early surrender fee) Any guarantees are subject to the ability of Ancoria Insurance Public Ltd to satisfy its financial obligations Policyholders who invest in a currency different to the currency of the Fund (EUR) will be subject to currency risk