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Ancoria Treasure Hunt team building event!

Team outings are a great way to facilitate bonding with your team members, reduce employee stress, and give them the chance to get-together outside the office.

At Ancoria we all have a good and close relationship with our colleagues, which drives us to spent time together during non-working hours as well.

On the 5th of October, 2019 we successfully organised a special treasure hunt event for our staff.

Ancoria's “treasure hunters”, after splitting into groups, poured into the streets of Limassol and began passionate competing with each other, seeking to solve riddles and find hidden objects.

Our staff enjoyed the game and felt rejuvenated after some fresh air and fun challenges. This event will definitely remain an unforgettable memory to all of us.

The project was submitted under the Digital Transformation for Business Program and is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus.