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Investerarprofil – Verktyg

Använd verktyget för Investerarprofil för att hjälpa dig identifiera din investerarprofil.

  • Tidshorisont
  • Risktolerans
  • Inställning till risk
How old are you?

What is your investment horizon?

How would you best describe your family status?

How would the future value of your investment affect your ability to meet your future financial needs?

How stable do you consider your current and future income to be?

When it comes to understanding investments, how would you rate your knowledge?

Select the investment objective that best describes your situation.

Assume that you have invested in a fund which lost 10% of its value in a short period of time. What would you do?

The chart below shows the possible outcomes of four hypothetical investments of €10,000 in a period of one year. Given the potential gain or loss, which investment would be most acceptable to you?
Bar chart showing investment amount for each investment.

Projektet lämnades in under programmet för digital transformation för företag och samfinansieras av europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden och Republiken Cypern.